Friday, July 24, 2020

A Son has a Birthday

by Pa Rock
Proud Parent

My oldest, Nicholas Karl Macy, was born forty-seven years ago today at Camp Kue Army Hospital in Okinawa, Japan.  Okinawa had been a US possession since the end of World War II in 1945, but on May 15th, 1972, just over fourteen months before Nick's birth, the island was returned to Japanese control by President Nixon.  Nick was born as an American citizen living abroad, and he had to have a passport issued in his name before he could travel to the United States two months later.

Nick is the family outdoorsman.  He likes to fish and hunt, and he often shows up with rocks in his pockets and other natural oddities that he has picked up on his walks along the riverbanks and through the woods.  He always takes an interest in outdoor projects at the farm, and last year when I decided to try and rejuvenate the pond, he quickly took charge of the project.  Today we have a small, permanent pond that is home to bullfrogs and several fish.  The deer show up each evening to enjoy the salt lick and drink leisurely from the pond.

We also have a large crop of thornless blackberries along the garden fence that Nick planted and had nurtured to maturity.

Late this spring when I fell and broke my arm, Nick was quick to pick up my share of the outdoor work.  Now he keeps the very large yard mowed, takes care of the chickens, cats, and dogs, and spends much of his "free" time trimming bushes and trees in the big yard.

Nick has a young adult son, Boone, who lives with his mother in southwest Missouri and is a junior in college, and for the last several months Nick and his old dog, Riley, have lived at my house.  His presence, especially since I broke my arm, has been a godsend.  He does the cleaning and most of the cooking, and for a couple of months Nick even had to be my chauffeur.  I am slowly getting back to my old self, but the recovery would not have gone nearly as smoothly if Nick had not been close-at-hand.

Nick is a good son, and I am fortunate to have him within shouting distance.

Happy birthday, Nick, and may you enjoy many, many more!

1 comment:

Erin said...

He’s a special guy for sure. Best storyteller ever who never misses a punchline. Kids adore him. And he’s an extraordinarily thoughtful gift giver. We love you, nick.