Wednesday, April 1, 2020

COVID-19, and Trump, and Ticks . . . Oh, My!

by Pa Rock
Farmer in Spring

Spring is less that two weeks old, and already it is obvious that times are bad and getting worse with each passing day.   A deadly pandemic is raging across the land and around the globe, Trump still squats in the White House while his evil minions work tirelessly to dismantle democracy and roll back all of the social gains of the past century, and now . . . and now . . . tick season is upon us!

This morning just as I was stepping into the shower, I glanced at the mirror and noticed a suspicious black dot surrounded by a red spot on my shoulder.  A closer examination revealed a very small seed tick which had dug himself deeply into my tired old shoulder.  He was in so tightly that it took multiple alcohol rubs to get him to unclench to a point where I could rid myself of the blood-sucking parasite.

Last year I was laid low by a tick, one that left me so ill that I was hospitalized for two nights - and likely would have spent more time there if not for my increasing fear that the hospital was even more hazardous to my health than the tick.  I demanded to be set free, and the weary staff relented!

This year I have ordered poultry to help combat the ticks, but the little chicks won't arrive until the end of the month.   Later today I start mowing which will expose me to more of the deadly pests, but the mowing will also shorten their habitat and make it easier for the two chickens who work my yard each day to find them.

Life was not this complicated, or lethal, when I was younger and better able to deal with it.

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