Friday, March 23, 2018

Pa Rock Leaves His Sixties Behind

by Pa Rock

 Ten years ago today was Easter Sunday, one of the earliest on record.  I remember that day well because it was also the day that I turned sixty.   It logically follows that today, exactly ten years later, I have now reached the very senior age of seventy.  The decade that comprised my personal sixties ended at midnight last night, and now I am an official septuagenarian.

My days always begin in the dark, when I rise to check email and do a few in-house chores before going outside to feed the cats and open the chicken coop so the farm fowl can begin their daily rounds.  Today, while sorting through email, I was more than pleased to find a birthday note from my college friend, Rosemary, who lives near Kansas City.  Rose forwarded a video clip of Sir Paul McCartney's 2005 concert in Red Square where he sang the Beatles' famous "Birthday."  What a nice way to start the day.

I have been to Red Square, in April of 1999, less than a month before the birth of my oldest grandchild, Boone.  It is an enormous paved expanse - perfect for an outdoor concert - with the Kremlin bordering one side and the old Soviet GUM department store across the way on the other side.  One corner of the Square is home to Lenin's Tomb where the architect of the Soviet Union lies stuffed under glass.  In the old days Soviet dignitaries would sit atop Lenin's Tomb and watch the massive military parades roll across Red Square on May Day.  The famous "onion" domes of St. Basil's Cathedral stand tall in the background.

So thanks, Rose, for the rockin' birthday greeting - as well as the opportunity to stroll down memory lane!  What a nice way to slip into a new decade of life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome to the 70's, Rock! Quite different from the 70's a few decades down memory lane. Hope you had a great day. Mike Dobson.