Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Trump Rages that He is not Mentally Impaired

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Cognitive impairment is such a polite term, one that literally smacks of political correctness - and we all know how much certain Republicans hate to be seen as being "politically correct."  But that's just where their gasping, wheezing, and diapered leader went yesterday when he took to his own "Truth Social" to rage that he was not, despite all evidence to the contrary, cognitively impaired.

That's right.  Donald John Trump, a man who was once "elected" to the presidency of this country by a significant minority of American voters and who is now an overly-ripe seventy-seven years of old age, felt the need to go on social media and defend his almost steady stream of gaffes as just being bits of clever sarcasm.  (There are many things that Americans have come to expect from Trump, but generally "cleverness" is not one of them!)

Suggestions that Trump is cognitively impaired are not new.   According to Trump himself, he asked his doctor more than three years ago, in 2020, if there was "some sort of cognitive test" that he could take "to shut these people up."  He said the doctor gave him a test containing 30 or 35 questions which he "aced."  We can all take Trump's word for that because his truthiness is legendary!  (Now that's sarcasm!)

Some of the current criticism being shed on Donald Trump's mental acumen centers on the fact that he gets confused with names - such as referring to President Biden as Obama - and has shown confusion among significant events in history such as intermingling references to the First and Second World Wars (neither of which featured uniformed service by any members of his family on either side of the conflicts).  And while some see Trump's confusion with names and historical events as being evidence that he operates in a mental fog, Donald credits it all to cleverness on his part.  He says his gaffes are intentional and intended to make his point more indelible through his adroit use of sarcasm.

And while few would doubt Trump's penchant for being sarcastic, sometimes to the point of cruelty, his current  gaffes tend to sound eerily authentic.  

Donald Trump should settle for being referred to as "cognitively impaired" because there are other, less politically correct ways of saying the same thing, ones which his followers might actually understand.

Not every elderly person operates in a mental fog, but some do.

1 comment:

RANGER BOB said...

Covfefe is even in the dicshunery now. https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/covfefe/