Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Ted Cruz Stirs the Pot

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The old saying is that occasionally even a blind squirrel will find an acorn, so it should not be totally out of the question that Ted Cruz might (rarely, of course) spit out a good idea.  That happened this past week, although I suspect Cruz intended his remarks to be taken as political humor rather than as a legitimate idea.

Cruz, one of the absolute biggest wastes of space in the US Senate, apparently has his own podcast, a right-wing diatribe over the internet entitled "Verdict with Ted Cruz."  Sometime last week he felt emboldened to make a prediction on that godcast podcast about where the Democratic side of the race for the White House would end up.  Cruz, whose political acumen is about on par with that of Virginian Josh Hawley, predicted that Joe Biden would leave the presidential race sometime around next August, and that the party would "parachute in" Michelle Obama to replace him.

Cruz's logic was that replacing Biden with the extremely popular Michelle Obama, a black woman, would rid the party of its grandfatherly leader without necessarily pissing off the strong core of black women who have been some of Biden's staunchest supporters.  The Democratic Party would have a Michelle Obama interlude of four or eight years, and then resume the brawl when she left office and a new generation had finally been allowed to take control of the party's electoral apparatus.

Ted tried to make it seem as though he did not have his tongue well back into his cheek as he made those comments, but the smug politico was undoubtedly trying to have a bit of fun at the expense of the "other" guys.  

You know what, Teddy?   I like the idea!  So tonight when you're sitting around your special DC watering hole trying to convince some tired barmaid that you really are important, you can tell her your Michelle Obama idea and let her know that one crazy bastard out in Missouri thinks it's a great plan!

Come on Teddy - make my day!

Michelle Obama for President in 2024!

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