Monday, September 2, 2019

Monday's Poetry: "Look for the Union Label"

by Pa Rock
Proud Union Supporter

The International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) was formed in 1900 as a direct response to the low wages, long hours., and crowded working conditions in America's garment sweatshops.  The union grew in power and influence along with the rise of other American labor unions until the period after World War II when manufacturers began outsourcing, or sending jobs overseas to be completed by much more affordable non-union workers.

My father, who became a successful small town businessman during those same post war years, never liked unions.  He felt their big city workers were overpaid and increased the price of the goods they made to the point where he had trouble selling them.  He had also been in a union briefly after the war and bought into the notion that union "bosses" were "thugs" who lived off of the dues of the workers and did little in return for those they were supposed to represent.

My dad wrote an an autobiography of sorts a few years before he passed away.  In that collection of notes and thoughts was this gem:  "Unions have been the ruination of America!"  His only son has an opposite view - that unions strengthened the position of working people, and in doing that, strengthened America.

Dad had beautiful penmanship, but no understanding at all in the importance of unions in American society.

But back to the ILGWU:  As outsourcing began to skyrocket in the 1970's, and major American clothing retailers started importing boatloads of rags from China and India and Pakistan - and later Bangladesh, the International Ladies Garment Workers Union decided to fight for its right to exist.  Part of that effort was to sponsor a contest for a song that would inspire interest in the union and in buying American goods.  The following jingle won that contest, and it became a hit in certain circles. Those of us of a particular age tend to remember it quite well.  Sing if you must - and happy Labor Day!

(Note:   Immigrants are not stealing our jobs - American manufacturers are still sending those jobs overseas - even after their obscene tax breaks.  And major American retailers - "Hello" @Walmart - are stocking their shelves with goods that are made overseas!)

Bringing back the unions would go a long way toward making America great again!

Look for the Union Label
by Paula Green

Look for the union label
When you are buying a coat, dress, or blouse,
Remember somewhere our union's sewing,
Our wages going to feed the kids and run the house,
We work hard, but who's complaining?
Thanks to the ILG, we're paying our way,
So always look for the union label,
It says we're able to make it in the USA!

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