Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Another Use for DNA Testing

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Advances in DNA analysis are making for some giant leaps forward (actually backward) in tracing family trees, a subject that is near and dear to my heart.  Where family researchers had once given up hope of making progress on a particular line due to a lack of physical records, DNA is now being used to provide definite proof of ancestry - and where records may contain all manner of errors, DNA never lies!

Police agencies are also using DNA to solve cold cases, often crimes against people such as assault, rape, and even murder, where physical evidence was maintained for years before the availability of DNA testing, and now that old evidence is being gone through again and exact matches are being found.

Defense attorneys are also using DNA to get their wrongfully convicted clients out of prison.  Some people who have been incarcerated for years or even decades, are now being proven innocent by DNA analysis.

Yesterday Rosie and I made an overnight excursion to northwest Arkansas (She calls it "Barkinsaw!"), and while we were there I heard of one more use for DNA, one I had never anticipated - and a DNA use so outrageous that I at first assumed it was more likely an urban legend than actual fact.  But the relative who shared the story swore that it was true.

Apparently some condominium communities and fancy apartment complexes are becoming so persnickety about keeping dog poop off of their manicured laws that they are requiring all residents to submit their pets for DNA testing.  Then, when some poor creature obeys a command of nature and takes a dump on the communal yard, if the owner does not pick the excrement up and bag it, the HOA gestapo will swarm in, collect the poop, and have it tested.  The negligent owner will then, presumably, pay a fine and be humiliated in the housing newsletter.

Out in the country where I live, dogs, cats, chickens, and even a few of the neighbors poop in the yard, and nobody gets too upset about it.   It's free fertilizer and it helps the grass grow!

Perhaps Erma Bombeck said it best with the title of one of her many humorous books:  "The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank!"  Many of the finest lawns in and around Bentonville were cow pasture just a very few years ago.

The Waltons, Tysons, and all of the other nouveau riche Arkies need to get over themselves!

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