Friday, January 4, 2019

Feinstein Is Circling the Drain into Irrelevance

by Pa Rock

California's senior senator, Dianne Feinstein, also holds the distinction of being the most senior member of the United States Senate - not in years served (four old white men have served longer), but in plain old age.  The matriarch of that august body is eighty-five, born just three months and two days after FDR was sworn into his first term as President.  She is old enough to have studied World War II as it was happening, and she entered adulthood before most American homes even had television.

Dianne Feinstein has been around awhile, and she probably thinks all of that life experience gives her a special license to try and influence the future.

Yesterday, shortly after being sworn into her sixth term in the Senate, Feinstein was asked for - or volunteered - her preference for the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020.  Not too surprisingly, she singled out one of the septuagenarian candidates, Joe Biden (age 76), as her choice - and failed endorse the likely candidacy of her fellow senator and fellow Californian Kamala Harris (age 54) because Harris is 'brand-new" to the Senate.

Why take a chance of someone "brand-new" when you can cast your lot with an old war horse like Biden who has been a fixture in American politics for nearly half a century?

Dianne, today when time permits, why don't you take a stroll across the Capitol and peek in at the House.  It has changed a bunch in just the past two days.  Young America is on the march, and it is looking a lot more like Kamala Harris than it does Joe Biden.  Then you might want to stroll back over to the Senate and hunker down . . .

Because change is coming!

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