Saturday, November 4, 2017


by Pa Rock
Lovestruck Duck

Last year at this time my best friend of too many years to count, James Steven Carroll, passed away unexpectedly.  He left behind his wife, Patti, and two grown sons.   The Carroll boys had grown up around my own children and their lives had crossed and interacted many, many times over the years.

During the months since James' passing, Patti and I have had many interactions for a variety of reasons, even though we live more than two hundred miles apart - each in our own homes with a full plate of responsibilities and obligations in our separate communities.  Recently it started becoming obvious to both of us that our longtime friendship was blossoming into something more - and for the past several weeks we have been enjoying and exploring that new-found mutual attraction.

Patti is a marvelous woman, and so far the only real friction to our emerging relationship is from her close friends and family who seem to fear that I may spirit her away to strange lands far beyond Springfield where she will morph into some gingham-wearing farm wife! 

Patti is a positive force in her community.  She helped to organize and start the county's first day care center, a facility sponsored by her church, and still serves as a director of that organization - and each Sunday she plays piano in that same church.  James served a couple of terms as the town's mayor, so Patti was the official First Lady of her community.  If I were convince her to move to my little town, her little town would never forgive me - nor should they.

So we have lots of things to figure out.

One aspect of our relationship which is working out nicely is that our five grown children already know and like each other, and they each also seem to like us as a couple.

This feels as though I am entering a growth phase, one in which my life is destined to change in many good ways.  I  hope that the new found happiness that Patti and I are enjoying will spill over onto the stuff that I pen in this blog, and some of the bitterness and rage that occasionally surface in what I write will be tempered by her kind touch.

Pa Rock is happy, happier than he has ever been before - so please be happy for Patti and me as we begin our long, blissful stroll into the future.   And if you begin to notice a some moderation in my bitter tone, now you know the reason.

Life is simple - all you need is love!


JP said...

This is the most wonderful news and I am so, so happy for you both! Patti, welcome to the extended fam. :-)

Erin said...

This brings me so much joy, Rock. You are a good man. And she sounds lovely. Cheers to new beginnings!