Sunday, October 29, 2017

Ending the Trump Terrors

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

William Rivers Pitt, the lead columnist at and one of the best political writers in America today, has a new op-ed out which says, in essence, that nobody will change the minds of Trump voters, so the appropriate focus should be on beating them at the polls.   His article, "Stop Trying to Convince Trump Voters.  Start Trying to Win" basically acknowledges that the people in the MAGA ball caps and tee-shirts are so mired in their intolerance and low expectations that they are beyond educating - and the only way out of the swamp of ignorance is through the power of the ballot.

I concur. 

Now with rampant gerrymandering and states "cleaning up" their voter registration lists by purging voters who occasionally miss elections, it is more important than ever for each voter to check on his or her registration status and exercise that most important democratic franchise every time there is an election.  Now is the time for sparring with county clerks and election officials - and not waiting until election day itself to learn that there is a problem. Now is also the time to be calendaring future elections and studying the issues.  Every election plays a part in the grand scheme of things.

Every vote counts - and every missed opportunity to vote makes the other guy's voice just a bit stronger.  It's all about numbers, and the causes and candidates that generate the biggest numbers define America to its citizens and to the rest of the world.   It's going to take big numbers to take America back from the dark forces and images of Donald Trump, but if we all march to the polls for every election, it will happen.

Get involved in democracy and stay involved.  No more Trump terrors!

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