Friday, September 22, 2017

Gay Nazis Need Love, Too

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

A few days ago an article on the Truthout website ( caught my attention as it introduced me to an aspect of fascism in America of which I had almost no knowledge.  The piece entitled "White Nationalist Groups Are Splitting Over Gay Inclusion," was written by Portland-based researcher Shane Burley.

Burley's article was an examination of some of the growing pains that the alt.right (American fascist) movement is undergoing as it deals with the growth spurt in membership brought on by having a friend in the White House.  It seems that when a broad movement is primarily based on intolerant attitudes, some natural fractures are bound to appear as it expands and brings in more people.   One of these fractures plaguing the leaders of American fascism is what to do about the gay white nationalists who want to be part of the movement.

That caught me as a bit of a surprise because I couldn't fathom why individuals who identify as gay would have a desire to be included within a much larger group which had historically demonized gays, and subsets of which had even called for their execution.  It brought to mind a the handful of prominent black Americans who Fox News trots out whenever they want to showcase minority opinions with which cranky old white Americans can feel comfortable.  I don't understand those folks either.

But, as a graying child of the sixties, I also adhere to a personal philosophy of "whatever floats your boat" - as long as I don't have to step over you on the sidewalk while you are doing it!

So, gay Nazis.

Anyone who would like to learn more about the crazy quilt of groups that crowd under the alt.right umbrella should begin their quest with this excellent piece by Shane Burley.  Through it you will encounter alliances of macho men who refer to themselves as "masculinists" and prefer the tribalism of life with other men over cavorting with women, fascist groups which allow gay members only if they keep their sexuality secret (don't ask, don't tell), and other groups which spout the Bible as they openly condemn homosexuality.    Somehow they all come together to perpetuate their core belief in the superiority of white people of European descent.

And, just so you know, Truthout is a superior venue for staying abreast of progressive thought in America.   It deserves the support of all who truly value a free and unfettered press.

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