Monday, September 17, 2012

My Island Family

by Pa Rock

Last Friday evening I sent out an email bragging about how Tim's movie, The Brass Teapot, has been sold to a distributor, a move which means it will soon be available to the public in some venue - hopefully on the big screen, and also through DVD sales.  No sooner had I hit the send button than three emails from friends on Okinawa bounced back.  All three informed me of a sudden job opening back home - at Kadena Air Base on Okinawa.

And yes, it does seem like home.  There was a group of us, from different parts of the United States, who met through our work on that small island and became fast friends.   We worked together, played together, traveled together, and generally took care of one another.   We were out in a remote piece of the world, and we became family out of necessity - and stayed a family through love.

I read the emails at the theatre where I was waiting for a play to begin - when my phone rang.  Nefredia called to talk to me about the job, and just the sound of her pleasing voice pushed all of my emotional buttons.  I thought, "God how I miss those people!"

I won't be returning to Okinawa - at least not this year.  I sabotaged that possibility when I signed a year-lease for my government quarters.  I also have stuff to get rid of and property issues that will take at least a year to resolve.    But if anybody waives a return ticket to Okinawa in front of me this time next year, I'll knock them down getting to the airport!

And then there is my continuing dream of working in Europe and maybe even doing a stint in the Peace Corps.  My grand-aunt, Ethel Anderson, served in the Peace Corps when she was in her seventies.  And Doctors Without Borders also recruits the occasional social worker.

Watch out world, I'm coming back!

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