Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Adios, 2011 All-Star Game

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The boycott of Nazizona is on. A fancy-smancy lawyers' group cancelled their upcoming convention at a Scottsdale hotel this week due to the passage of racist Senate Bill 1070, and Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon announced today that he has heard from five other groups that are talking about moving their conventions out of Arizona. Today the city of San Francisco said that it won't pay for any of its employees to travel to Arizona on business for the city.

Mayor Gordon is filing suit regarding this discriminatory bill - utilizing his own money.

Arizona has been warning its citizens for months to use caution when traveling into Mexico because of all of the violence and crime in the border towns. Today, Mexico turned the tables and urged its citizens to exercise caution if they stray into Arizona, noting that they could be hassled by authorities for no other reason than their appearance. I guess that door swings both ways! Ouch!

But that's all small potatoes. The big kahuna of the boycott is turning out to be the 2011 All-Star Game that was scheduled for Chase Field in Phoenix. Local news sources have been in contact with Major League Baseball (which has an office in Phoenix), and MLB is declining to comment at this time other than to say they are gathering information. Translation: if the heat stays on, the game is outta here!

Estimated total revenue generated by an All-Star Game: Over $50,000,000! Again, ouch!

Our legislators may be a lot of things, but "smart" ain't one of them!

To sign an on-line petition encouraging Major League Baseball to move the 2011 All-Star Game out of Arizona, please visit: http://immigration.change.org/petitions/view/move_the_2011_all-star_game_out_of_arizona


Anonymous said...

I agree some people (top authorities) just take too long to realize how much Hispanics in general HELP the US. Example: "little Habana" ouch I meant Florida.

Anonymous said...

"Just an idea "all great All-Star Hispanic players" should boycott the game and see if we will have enough players to play that game.