Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Sun, She Rises

by Pa Rock
Hater of Airports

It's a little before 8:00 a.m. and I am finally past security and in the bowels of the Salt Lake City Airport.  So far today i have gotten up, organized, finished packing, checked out of the hotel, sat in the cold for half-an-hour waiting on the tram and then got on the wrong one - and nearly fell off for my trouble, got on the right tram and eventually got to the airport.  Here I managed to get in two wrong lines before finally stumbling into the right one, and now I am safely parked at an airport Burger King waiting on the Second Coming or a flight to Kansas City - whichever comes first.

I hate airports and flying.   Human beings should not be subjected to the indignities of air travel.  I also hate health insurance companies, dealing with pharmacies, pop-up ads on the internet, and the evangelicals in the Missouri Legislature who want to spend my tax dollars to send their kids and grandkids to religious schools.  There is more, of course, but I don't want to come across as too negative this early in the morning.

Happy holidays!

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