Wednesday, October 2, 2024

A Two-Percenter Says "Get Those Shots!"

by Pa Rock
Health Nut

The lady with whom I will be traveling to New York City later this month telephoned yesterday afternoon, and during our conversation she related that she was on her way to Costco for the latest COVID vaccination and her annual flu shot.  She suggested that I should get mine, too, before our trip. I replied, with only a slight bit of smugness, that I had gotten both shots two weeks ago.

I enquired about the inoculations while on a visit to my local pharmacy,  The lady at the register said that both vaccines were available in their store, both could be taken on the same visit,  and that if I would fill out a couple of very simple forms we could have the entire process completed in less that twenty minutes.  After the paperwork was finished and the shots administered, I asked if my Primary Care Physician would be notified so that his staff could update my health records.  She assured me that he would, and she also told me that the shot records - which had seemed sort of helter-skelter with my previous pharmacy - would also be entered into a database that was accessible to all of my health care providers.

(That database is probably something else that Project 2025 will quickly eliminate.  Freedumb!)

The very next morning after getting those vaccinations, I heard on the radio that only 2% of eligible Americans had gotten the the latest round of COVID shots so far.   (They had been on the market for about three weeks.)  That news report also stated that public interest in the vaccines is waning and that it is now estimated that only about 25% of the eligible population would get this round of COVID vaccinations.

Vaccines save lives, regardless of what Fox News and Facebook and some crackpot politicians want us to believe - and protecting ourselves with vaccines has the added humanitarian impact of also helping to protect others.

We do not want to go through another pandemic, or at least this two-percenters doesn't.  Once in a lifetime was plenty for me!

Get those shots!   Keep yourself safe and the rest of us, too!


Four free COVID tests are now available for every US household.  They can be ordered online at:  


RANGER BOB said...

Thumbs up. Have received both shots. Tests are on order. When I can't avoid crowded conditions, I'm fully masked with a N-95 plus exhale port. When I walk into an indoor space, I look to see if there's a less crowded area to walk through. If someone coughs or sneezes, I avoid them. I make sure I exhale when I walk by people I can't avoid. Damn! I'm smart. I'm also at high risk so I admit that some of that is overkill.
At an outdoor event last month, I was talking with a fellow I grew up with. He is in poor health and thinks he has long covid. That is, of course, possible. I asked if he had his COVID vaccines and he admitted he had the first two and that's all. He added that "they" say everyone who gets the vaccine gets COVID and that he wished he had never gotten them. Now this guy is a smart guy. He's a retired fighter pilot and he helped train astronauts. What the hell is he thinking? It's not what he's thinking, it's how he's thinking. He's thinking intuitively, not critically, and yes, he "they" was a reference to FOX News.

Anonymous said...

Yes, get both vaccinations. I got both about a month ago and my body reacted with a shakedown cruise of the immune system. Good God, if this is the test I would hate to have the full blown diseases. Every person responds to them differently, so give yourself some just in case time to let it wash over you. Ranger Bob is spot on in his logic and observations. I wish the anti-science animus could be traced back to FOX News but this anti-vax sentiment goes back at least to 1905. A Swedish-born pastor named Henning Jacobson challenged the constitutionality of the Massachusetts compulsory law requiring vaccination against smallpox. Long story short SCOTUS held the statue was not constitutionally infirm and its passage was a proper exercise of the state's police powers, which are powers reserved to the states under the Tenth Amendment.