Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Cruz Curse Stretches into 2024

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Many things change with the passing years, but it's a comfort to know that some things resist change as the years steadily fall away - and if things persist long enough, they eventually begin to be regarded as traditions.  The U.S. state of Texas, a place long known for its love of guns, and book bans, and general intolerance, now appears to be in the thrall of a sports curse that is tied to one if it several insufferable politicians.

On October 25th of last year I posted a piece in this blog referencing an article in Rolling Stone magazine which strongly suggested that Senator Ted Cruz's attendance at national sporting events was the kiss of death for the teams he supported.  The Houston Astros baseball team - Senator Cruz's home team - was in the American League playoffs against the Texas Rangers.  The Astros managed to lose four straight home games and thus lose the playoffs, with Ted Cruz being in the stands at all four of those games.  Some Houston fans had literally begged the bullheaded senator not to attend the final game of the series, but he did and the Astros lost.

Lots of superstitious athletic supporters jumped to the obvious conclusion that the always-controversial and highly self-righteous senator was to blame.  

The article in Rolling Stone had also pointed out that Senator Cruz had been court-side at the 2018 Western Conference Finals when the Houston Rockets lost to the Golden State Warriors, and the Rockets also managed to miss 27 consecutive three-point shots.

Ted Cruz responded to the article in Rolling Stone with his usual eloquence by calling the magazine's reporters "hacks."

If Ted had hopes of his luck changing with the arrival of the New Year, those hopes were quickly dashed last night when the University of Texas lost the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans to the University of Washington.  (It was also the college football playoff semi-final.).   The University of Texas lost that game to the University of Washington by a score of 37-31, with Senator Ted Cruz in the stands cheering on UT.

Social media was quickly a-light with snark and condemnations aimed at the eternally showboating senator.  Perhaps he should retreat to Cancun until all of the stink blows over, or maybe Texas Governor Greg Abbott should consider busing his unlucky fellow Republican politician to some other city.  Another possibility would be for the US government to step in and deport Cruz back to his native Canada.

Or, for Texans who are truly tired of losing, perhaps the very best option would be to show up at the polls this November and give Ted Cruz his walking papers.

It's time to end the Cruz curse once and for all!

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