Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Susan Collins Threatens to Wear a Bikini to Work

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Republicans in the House and Senate may not give a damn whether kids in their home districts and states have adequate food, shelter, and educational opportunities, but when their leaders at the Capitol go messing with congressional dress codes, all hell is going to break loose - especially if they think the codes are being changed to accommodate some hoody-wearing Democrat.  This week Senator Schumer, the Democratic leader in the US Senate announced that the Senate would no longer enforce its informal dress code.  Some took that as a capitulation to the clothing preferences of Senator Fetterman of Pennsylvania who prefers to wear Carhart work shirts, hoodies, and shorts over the old Senate standard of jackets and ties for male senators.

It was an outrage and some Republicans howled mightily.  One of the most prominent howlers wasn't even a member of the Senate.  Marjorie Taylor Greene, a loud and obnoxious Republican member of the House, went on a rampage about "etiquette," and seemed to be promoting the idea that the Senate was going to hell in a hoody.  Ms. Greene, who a few days earlier had been flashing pictures of Hunter Biden's penis in a House hearing, is certainly, in her own mind, at least, one of the most self-righteous and morally rigorous people ever to serve in Congress.  Marge knows that God is fortunate to have her on his team.

Generally Democrats seem to be accepting of the relaxed dress code, and Republicans are trying to score a few political points with faux outrage over what they portray as a loosening of standards.  For his part, Senator Fetterman joked on Twitter that if he were vaping and groping at a musical theatre production, Republicans would see him as some sort of hero.   House GOP vaper and groper Lauren Boebert declined to engage in that conversation with him.

And while Republicans often prove too severe and serious in matters of commonsense things like personal comfort and dress codes, some of them can still cough up occasional classic snark to lighten the mood.   Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a generally humorless individual who recently called police over a sidewalk chalk drawing in front of her home, probably caught more than a few of her dower colleagues off guard when she commented that with the new relaxed dress code she might just wear a "bikini" to the Senate chamber.

Or, to quote Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now,  "The horror!  The horror!"

Compared to Marjorie Taylor Greene's porn and Susan Collins threat of coming to work in a bikini, Fetterman's hoody isn't so bloody awful after all!

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