Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Pandemonium Prevails at Pa's Place!

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

I had carefully explained to Rosie more than once yesterday that company was coming and things  would get lively in the evening, but the old girl either was not paying much attention or didn't believe me because as it started to get dark outside she curled up next to me on the couch and drifted off to sleep.  But Rosie, who can hear an ant fart in a thunderstorm, suddenly hopped to attention when a car pulled up our drive around nine o'clock last night and doors began opening and closing.  She jumped from the couch and ran to the back door barking furiously, and when I finally caught up and let her out, she rushed onto the porch and quickly found herself surrounded by my Oregon grandchildren - and was she ever excited!

Willow, Judah and Sebastian, along with their parents, Molly and Scott, had just pulled in following their long drive from Uncle Tim and Aunt Erin's house in the Kansas suburbs of Kansas City.  They had flown from Oregon to Kansas City a couple of days earlier.  They will be at my house until tomorrow - Thursday - and then are heading over to Branson and then down into Oklahoma to see Scott's parents.  

Molly was here last May, but this is the first time that the kids have been to the Missouri Ozarks in four years.

Rosie was so excited to see all of our guests that I thought she was going to collapse from exhaustion as she ran from one to another seeking attention.  She is especially fond of girls because we don't have many of them visit The Roost, and she and Willow (age ten) became good friends very quickly.

Today we will all be out exploring - Rosie, too - and learning as much as we can about how to have fun in the Ozarks.  It promises to be an exciting time!

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