Saturday, August 21, 2021

Speaking of Corndogs, Gaetz and Greene Do the Iowa State Fair

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

With the Iowa Caucuses being the very first test of every presidential election year, politicians who are suffering from the national itch look for any excuse to scratch themselves the cornfields of Iowa.   Usually Iowa becomes infested with political vermin during the year preceding the presidential election year.

By that standard things should be fairly calm for Iowans until 2023, but it's beginning to look like some of the professional politicians aren't going to wait around two more years before assaulting the sensibilities and picking the pockets of corn-fed Iowans.

Matt Gaetz, a Republican congressman from Florida who is being investigated by the FBI on sex-trafficking charges, was in Iowa this week putting in appearances at the Iowa State Fair as well as speaking to small groups of supporters.  Gaetz likely figures that he should get to Iowa early - just in case he happens to be in prison when all of the other big name Republicans are trudging thought the state in 2023.

Gaetz was accompanied to Iowa by his opening act, GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, a Q-Anon conspiracy nut who has been traveling with Gaetz and stirring the rabble in multiple states throughout much of the summer.  At this point, even three full years out from the next presidential election, it must be assumed that both have at least a mild interest in eventually expanding their grift to the presidential level.

And Iowa welcomed them warmly.  When they weren't strolling the state fair's midway sucking on corndogs and acting interested in farming, the two GOP sideshow attractions were holding meetings with members of the public.   One news report focused on a meeting of supporters that the two addressed, and noted that most of the attendees were wearing Trump gear and none were wearing face masks.  It was a crop just begging to be harvested.

Praise Jesus and pass the collection plates!

Gaetz and Greene will undoubtedly continue their roadshow as long as they are able.   Neither one apparently has a job or people back home that require their attention.  Just imagine the fun they could have and the trouble they could instigate if they were able to fly free on Air Force One!

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