by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist
Most conservatives, and almost all Republican conservatives, get righteously indignant when the subject of abortion is addressed, and they are quick to declare anything from a two-cell embryo on up to be a living human being. Fetuses have some sort of inalienable right to be nurtured and protected until the moment they slide down the birth canal and gasp their first breath of delivery room air.
But it is at that same point, as the babies are leaving the safety of their mothers' wombs, that the protection and caring suddenly collapse. The same people who had been adamant in their protection of them as fetuses, begin a long onslaught of harm to them as children.
Two blatant Republican attacks on children were evident earlier this week when the GOP barely passed a budget plan in the US House of Representatives which coughed up steep cuts to Medicaid (even though Trump and his party had said there would be no cuts to that important program), and to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or the modern version of the "food stamps" program.
The vote on the cruel budget outline passed by the House was 217 to 215, with every Republican except one voting for it, and every Democrat except one (who was absent) voting against it.
How do Medicaid and SNAP impact children? I'm glad you asked.
Today over a third of children in the United States receive their medical care through Medicaid, and more than ten percent of the remainder are covered by CHIP, the Children's Health Insurance Program - another government form of assistance. Medicaid is the largest source of health insurance coverage in the United States. It covers children in poverty, foster care, and about half of children who have special health care needs. Most Americans, even if they themselves don't have to rely on Medicaid for their health care needs, know someone who does.
But Republicans now want to make steep cuts to Medicaid and leave it up to the individual states to figure out ways to provide medical care to their citizens and children living in poverty, or with disabilities, or in state care.
(Medicaid is also used to meet the needs of the impoverished and disabled elderly people in our society, paying for things ling nursing home care. Many of our senior citizens rely on Medicare and Medicaid just to survive.)
The GOP members of the House Of Representatives this week also imposed steep cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as another mark of their cruelty. Over twelve percent of US households currently are assisted in purchasing food through SNAP, and of those household members, forty percent are children.). SNAP helps to pay for school lunches for children in eligible households. The program also benefits US farmers by providing a market for their produce.
Is there any moral high ground to be claimed by sitting idly by and watching children go hungry? Or to oppose programs that help to feed children in need?
Cut their health care, cut their food supply, and then defund their schools - all so that America's wealthiest individuals can save on their taxes.
Force women to give birth and then do everything possible to insure that they and their babies stay hungry, lack medical care, and live in abject poverty. Is that what Jesus would do?
Protecting the fetus and attacking the health and welfare of the child is Republican hypocrisy writ large. It's been that way for a long time, and it's getting worse. Being a valued and protected member of society should extend beyond the womb.